What have u found?
Mud season
What I found? That mud season is for being uncomfortable. For digging up the grim that has been sitting underneath the surface for months. For facing the shit we have neglected.
We take fall to settle down. We take winter to hibernate. But spring – spring is where things start to open up. Start to come alive & reveal a side of themselves we forgot was there. Take my hips, for example. The part of my body that has been clenched in the cold. The warmth starts to loosen the muscles. And I cry at its release. I cry because I forgot, just for a second, how hard it was to face. I cry because the memories were tucked away for a reason. So when I sit to stretch, and my hips unlock – everything else comes bubbling up in that moment. And the tears pour out.
But I am letting go. I am saying goodbye to everything I have held so tightly on to. And each day, I forgive a little more. Myself. And him. And I know it is time to move onward. Clean up the shit, and let new seeds root.
Fall out of lust
so, I
recently pilfered a mirror
untarnished, with a floral frame
patently reflecting me- and hark!
the eyes that meet my gaze have
fallen out of lust
with men
I used to think
the worst- that only
action begets traction
and I could never scale Juliet’s wall
and I am not here any more than you are
but meanwhile my brain ferments rapidly
certain truths have rooted quite
a network by now
so let them bloom
i’m blue. she’s orange.
why don’t we all crayola each other
and consider this-
wildflowers are everyone’s
favorite for a reason